To my husband and faithful friend, I will miss you so much. We didn't get the opportunity to grow old together, but there are so many memories that we created over 41 years. Thank you for putting up with me, knowing me and still loving me. I didn't always appreciate you for all that you did and who you are, but I feel like the last few years of your life we were able to spend so much time together. I wish you had felt better and we could have gone to exciting and new places, instead of doctor visits and hospitals, but that is what our destiny together included. We married for better or worse, for richer or poorer and in sickness or health. I do think God created us for each other and you 100% completed me. You loved me when I felt I was unlovable. I never thought anyone would ever love me and looky here - you stayed with me for 41 years. You worked hard at your job to provide for our family. You went to work when you were sick, because you didn't get sick days at work and you didn't want to miss that pay. You worked a very hard job for 25 years, worked nights and weekends, you gave up a lot to support us. I know you heard those things I whispered in your ear as you were taking your last breaths. I love you more - I will let you win and I hear you saying 'I love you most!'. For all you did for me, I do think you loved me most. Til we meet again!