Obituary of Alexis Pilewicz
Alexis “Cricket” Pilewicz, age 61 of Hartsville, TN passed away Thursday night, December 30, 2021 in Hartsville, TN.
Survived by: Son, Michael (Holly) Pilewicz Jr., Daughter, Adryan Hawk, Sister, Kelli Grant, Nephew, Phillip Grant and 9 grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents: Frank David and Billye Faye Orr, Brother, Richard Wayne Orr.
Visitation will be held in at Anthony Funeral Home in Hartsville, TN at 10AM to 1PM Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
Anthony Funeral Home, 337 McMurry Blvd. E, Hartsville, TN 37074, 615374-2280,