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The family of Barbara Ann Johns uploaded a photo
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
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Scott Siegrist posted a condolence
Thursday, May 12, 0001
Hey Roger Marsh sorry to hear bout the loss of your sister.may God bless you and your family...
Linda Hailey posted a condolence
Thursday, May 12, 0001
Amanda and Stephanie,
I don't know if you will remember me now that you're all grown up but I want to say I'm sorry for your loss. I remember picking you girls up for church or you comming to hang out with me when you were little.
Scott Siegrist posted a condolence
Thursday, May 12, 0001
Hey Jason Johns,sorry to hear bout your mother passing...may God bless you...
Terry (Johns) Jackson posted a condolence
Thursday, May 12, 0001
I fondly remember staying weekends occasionally with Barbara & Cathy. They were both kind to me. And I remember how afraid I was of her father's turkeys.