Obituary of Mary Maxine Davis
On Sunday, February 20th, at 10:55 AM, Mary Maxine Davis, née Crawford (73) passed from this world into the next. She leaves behind a devoted and loving family: Aaron Clyde Davis (her husband of 56 years); Cathy and Tabatha (her daughters); Hope, Mary and Victoria (her granddaughters); Katie, Shelby, Mercedes and Chase (her three great granddaughters and great grandson); and Charles Crawford (her baby brother). She was preceded by: Howard and Lillie Crawford (her parents); Howard Jr. and Carolyn (her older brother and younger sister); Elijah (her grandson); and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who all greeted her with open arms and loving hearts. She endeavored, throughout her life, to add beauty to the world in ways beyond the ordinary. She hand crafted quilts to dazzle the eye. She nurtured flower gardens to lift the spirit and enchant the senses. She created elegant lamps which lit her home with warmth. She played her beloved piano to the joy of all who heard her play. She gifted her grandchildren with a love for beauty and music. She was a woman of boundless energy and deep emotion. She loved deeply and well. Her kind heart and generous nature will be greatly missed by all who were fortunate enough to experience them.