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The family of Donald Llew Campbell uploaded a photo
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
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Anne Tomlinson posted a condolence
Thursday, May 12, 0001
My love and deepest sympathy are with Emily and all your family. I know your grandfather was a hero who served
his country, his family and his God well. May his soul
rest in the gentle peace of Christ.
Nancy Ligon Keane posted a condolence
Thursday, May 12, 0001
I so remember Don when he looked just like this picture. I was four and was the flower girl at his and cousin Peggy's wedding. It was truly one of the greatest memories of my life. Don was always the nicest and most polite man. I loved him and see his children in these beautiful eyes of his. Lisa, Melanie, Melinda and MaryLlew.....I am very sorry for your loss. I know he was a loving father to you all. I wish I could be there with you Sunday, but CA is a long way away. My prayers and thoughts will be with you for sure. We had some wonderful times together at Granny's and Gaggie's, didn't we? Nancy